Welcome to the AOCS Lipid Library®!

The AOCS Lipid Library® is one of the leading online sources of information related to lipid science and technology today. This site is for students, technologists, scientists, and laypersons to learn more about lipid chemistry and technology.

The website is owned and managed by AOCS, but the scientific content is under the direction of the editorial team. Alejandro Marangoni began his term as Editor-in-Chief of the Lipid Library in January 2017.

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Lipid Library

Basics of Lipid Chemistry

The following topics can be found on The Lipid Web.

    • A Lipid Primer
    • Lipid Structure and Function
    • Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids
    • Simple Lipids
    • Complex Glycolipids
    • Sphingolipids
    • Mass Spectrometry of Fatty Acids
    • Literature Service

The Lipid Web
abstract art

Triglyceride Property Calculator (TPC)

Allows users to explore how molecular composition and polymorphic form affects the melting properties of triacylglycerides (TAGs).
The app uses various empirical models to predict melting enthalpy and temperature for triacylglycerides of various molecular compositions and melting properties specified by the user.
When available, experimentally determined melting properties are provided for comparison.
The TPC was developed at the Marangoni Research Lab at the University of Guelph.

Blue flasks

AOCS Membership

AOCS is the preeminent scientific organization serving the field of fats, oils and lipids by:

  • Building scientific community:
    AOCS brings together individuals and organizations through its membership, meetings, and regional, special interest and online communities
  • Cultivating thought leadership:
    AOCS works with the top minds in the field to identiry the most important topics and share expertise through INFORM magazine, journals, meetings and an informal online communty
  • Helping labs and scientist achieve the highest quality standards:
    AOCS offers rigorous methods and testing to ensure quality and compliance