Market Trends
The Author: Frank D. Gunstone James Hutton Institute (and Mylnefield Lipid Analysis), Invergowrie, Dundee (DD2 5DA), Scotland
For several years I have written a monthly article in Lipid Technology and occasional articles for Inform devoted to market matters concerning oilseeds, oils and fats, and oil meals. I have used my experience in preparing these articles to prepare the following files covering the major oils and fats commodities and the major countries/regions where these commodities are produced, traded (exports and imports), and consumed for food and non-food purposes. These were first assembled during March and April 2008, but they are updated when new data become available.
- Individual Commodity Oils and Fats
- Four major vegetable oils
- Palm oil
- Soybean oil
- Rapeseed (canola) oil
- Sunflower seed oil
- Palmkernel and coconut oils
- Olive oil
- Animal fats
- Major Producing and Consuming Countries/Regions - General view
- EU-27
- Argentina and Brazil
- Malaysia and Indonesia
- China
- India